Home Office Essentials

Whether you are looking to organize your home or your office, you’ll be overwhelmed with the number of options in supplies available on the market today. Having a practical method of organization is crucial to your health and can alleviate stress.

Consider these items to better organize yourself, your employees, and your family:

  • Add some color. Highlighters are an important item to call attention to things like meeting notes and errors that need to be corrected in documents. Highlight priority items in your to-do lists important information in sales proposals or client contracts.
  • Load up on sticky notes. Sticky notes come in handy when you need to jot down some short-hand information like phone numbers, or to include a personal note on a document. You can also use them as bookmarks to flag pages in contracts.
  • Consider a practical filing system. File folder and folder labels are important in keeping yourself organized. If your computer crashes, it’s smart to have important documents saved somewhere in hard copy form. Remember those old documents from doctor visits you have stashed in a drawer? Start a file folder system for all of the items you haven’t filed already in the past. Manilla folders with the top tab on them make it easy for you to write directly on the tab and work better than complicated filing systems.
  • Stick with the basics. There are many different options for pens and pencils, but the basics are typically the most reliable. Opt for a basic ballpoint pen or a mechanical pencil, rather than those that break every time you write. Gel pens may look nice, but ballpoint and mechanical pencils are worth the investment in the long run.

To learn more organization tips and to find out about the best home and office supplies, contact the experts at Supply Matic today at 888-358-6439.

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