Wallpaper, the once popular wall covering of the 70s and 80s, is suited to make smaller spaces pop, and is now offered in a variety of patterns, replicas of vintage looks, and customizable prints. In recent times, wallpaper has become highly popular, but is a commitment and can be quite expensive. Discover how you can create a unique look in your home without having to commit to wallpaper.
- If a recurring pattern seems boring, try making a statement with a wall decal. Like temporary wallpaper, wall decals easily peel off and stick to a surface, allowing you the ability to create individual patterns and unique designs for those who prefer a bit of variety. Many decals can be used on a wall to create a scene, or use of one decal can provide the perfect minimalist touch.
- If you’re on a budget, patterned paint rollers may fit the bill. The supplies needed are the same as regular painting, but with the addition of a patterned roller that creates a design in any paint color you choose. Try a color that will contrast or compliment your existing wall color. You can make a drastic statement with dark colors for your patterned roller against a white wall, or use a complimentary color to create a subtle effect.
- What’s the easiest alternative to wallpaper? Paint! Keep the walls classic and simple with an endless spectrum of paint colors to choose from. If you can’t find the paint chip you like, speak with a color specialist about what will work in your space. It’s always easy to change colors and wall damage is next to none when you want to update the color. Painting walls will never go out of style – unlike that velvet wallpaper from the 70s – and won’t interfere stylistically with centerpiece décor items.
- Renting in a no-paint policy apartment? A few rolls of temporary wallpaper will allow you to cover up white walls with patterns and color! Temporary wallpaper is stick-and-peel designed wallpaper that adheres to walls without paste and will remove easily when you need to move or make décor changes. Temporary wallpaper comes in a variety of colors and modern designs. Some companies even make customized patterns.
Wallpaper may have come back, but it’s still quite a commitment and expensive. With newer alternatives for wall decorating, people have greater flexibility with their creativity and more room in their budgets to make their homes truly personal and unique. Try out one of these wall covering ideas today!