Is Your Home Ready for Solar Installations?

More households and businesses have been part of a growing trend. Solar panels have been gaining a lot of attention in recent years and with the savings and efficiency they offer, it’s easy to see why. As people start looking for more economical and Eco-friendly energy sources, the option of solar panels becomes even more tempting. However, there are many myths that surround this abundant reusable energy source. So, to debunk these myths, read on!

Myth: I should wait because solar panels are still being tested.

Fact: In a sense, yes. The specific design and systems that are commonly used for solar panels continue to be improved upon, but many initial designs are as effective then as newer ones. The money that could be saved by using the solar technology of today is well worth the money and any upgrades that may be needed in the future, all of which can be easily paid for with the savings you get in return!

Myth: Areas that are too cloudy or cold can’t use solar panels effectively.

Fact: Almost all solar panel designs and systems will work fine so long as there is some light source available. Granted, if you reside in a location like Alaska where you only get about 60 clear days out of the year with 41% sun annually, you won’t see the same ROI you would if you lived in Arizona, where there’s nearly 300 days of sun annually on average. Keep your location in mind when you consider installing panels.

Myth: The extra energy produced by the panels can be stored in batteries.

Fact: The majority of solar panels will be set up in such a way that they are grid tied, which means they are directly connected to the conventional electricity grid, if your location supports it. You will use the energy your panels produce and anything beyond what you use goes into the grid to be used by others- you will be credited and actually paid in most cases for the energy that you produce and do not use.

Myth: My roof looks nice and solar panels on the roof will make it look cluttered.

Fact: Solar panels are the new craze and becoming more and more popular and as such, new designs and styles are being developed all the time. Many are now more streamlined and attractive than the bulky panels of ten years ago. And when you think about the money you could be saving, your home or business stands to gain a lot- even at the cost of a little cosmetic curb appeal. A building’s value can actually increase a great deal by adding solar panels!

Myth: Panels are expensive because they need a specialized contractor to install.

Fact: In reality, most roofing contractor  installations are worth the cost if you don’t have the background, experience, or labor to do it yourself. Additionally, all roofing work must be reviewed by an inspector once the job is completed, so having someone experienced with solar panels do the inspection will not cost that much more for all the time it saves, not to mention saving yourself from having to go back and correct the installation if you didn’t do it properly  yourself.

It’s easy to see how solar panels have become such a popular option for many homes and businesses. They help you save money, reduce energy waste, are environmentally frenziedly, and can be a long-earning investment!


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